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AquaSonic Banner Image at Aquarian Audio and Scientific AquaSonic - An Underwater Concert

Five performers submerge themselves in glass water tanks to play custom-made instruments and sing entirely underwater. Transformed inside these darkly glittering, aquatic chambers, they produce compositions that are both eerily melodic and powerfully resonant.

The creation of the work has required years of experimentation and countless test-runs in close collaboration with everything from dedicated deep-sea divers to imaginative instrument makers and brilliant scientists.

This has led to the development of a number of highly peculiar underwater instruments such as hydraulophone, violin, rotacorda and percussion, as well as a distinctive vocal technique for underwater singing.

Between Music are:

Artistic Director, Composer, and Performer: Laila Skovmand
General Manager and Performer: Robert Karlsson
Performer: Morten Poulsen
Performer: Dea Marie Kjeldsen
Performer: Nanna Bech
Lighting Designer: Adalsteinn Stefansson
Sound Designer: Anders Boll

Audio tracks below use the H2a-XLR & H2c hydrophones


Simon Forrester banner image at Aquarian Audio and Scientific Simon Forrester

Simon Forrester is a BAFTA-nominated sound recordist with over twenty five years of experience with ‘Blue Chip’ factual documentary and wildlife films. He has worked on more than fifty major expeditions across six continents in some of the remotest areas on the planet.

His major clients include the BBC Natural History Unit, Discovery and National Geographic.

Audio tracks below use the H2a-XLR hydrophone

Recording ice movement in Canadian Arctic

Simon writes, "The audio and picture were from Quaanaaq in the far North of Greenland for a BBC/Discovery series called Human Planet..." "I think the photo is of me trying to chip out a hole in the sea ice along a fault line with my ice axe so that I could bury the mic and record one plate rubbing against the other, I think it was around -50C that day and, as you can hear from the recording, your little mic not only survived the extreme temperatures but also managed to emerge unscathed despite the large pressures that must have been exerted as the two plates rubbed against it, a testament indeed to the quality of its manufacture."

Recording from kayak

Simon writes, "This file comes from a summer recording last year on the edge of the sea ice about 15 miles off shore from the most northerly inhabited indigenous settlement in the world - Siorapaluk. I was trying to record Narwhals when two bergs smashed into one another, they must have been several miles away as there were none in sight, it's interesting to hear how the Narwhal and seal calls increase straight afterwards."


Jacques de Vos banner Image at Aquarian Audio and Scientific Jacques de Vos / Arctic Freediving /

Jacques de Vos is an award-winning underwater photographer and cameraman whose work has won numerous prestigious international UW photography awards. His photography has been published worldwide in several books and hundreds of publications. As a camera operator, he has worked on projects for companies like the BBC, Epic TV and Red Bull. His footage has also been televised throughout the world.

In addition to his media work, Jacques is also the founder and co-owner of Arctic Freediving, which offers guests the opportunity to experience orca and humbback whales underwater in their natural environment.

Audio tracks below use the H2a-XLR hydrophone